
Cutting and milling
We cut and mill the following panel materials with a maximum panel size of 300 x 200 cm:
Dibond, Forex, Plexiglas, Hylite, Re-board, Allison, PetG, Polyprop, Twinwall, Acrylic, Magnetic film, Wood, MDF, Cardboard, Rubber, Capa, Foam and PVC.
We can also cut roll goods, e.g.:
Canvas, vinyl stickers, bisonyl, synaps, leather, PVC canvas, paper and foils.
Additionally we have the possibility to cut, crease, kiss cut and polish different materials. This can be done in any form from 1 piece up to large quantities.

Foil Plots
Foil plots are figuratively cut foils. With our cutting plotter we can cut color foils figuratively. This is particularly interesting, for example, for the lettering of cars or on company clothing.